Thank you for your interest in purchasing our media from the 

ADC Toronto, Canada Competition.  

Please complete the information requested in the "boxes" provided in the corresponding link.  

All media orders will be delivered by email link approximately 7-10 days after the event is complete.  

Again, thank you for your purchase.

Just click on your desired link below:


II. Combos

1. Front Stage Photos and Video of Routine Combo $100.00

2. COMPLETE Combo All Front and Backstage Photos and Video of Routine - $150.00


II. Photos Only

3. All FRONT STAGE Photos only of 1 entry - $70.00

4. ALL BACKSTAGE Photos only of 1 entry  - $70.00

5. ALL FRONT and BACKSTAGE Photos only of 1 entry -$140.00


III. Videos only

6. Video only of 1 entry -$45.00


IV. Upgrades to FULL Combos [Frontstage/Backstage and video]

7. Upgrade From Video Only to FULL COMBO -$105.00

8. Upgrade from All Photos of 1 entry [either front stage or backstage] to FULL Combo=$80.00

9. Upgrade from Combo to FULL COMBO -$50.00

10. Upgrade from All Front and Backstage photos of 1 entry,  to FULL Combo=$10.00


V. UPGRADES TO COMBO [Front Stage Photos and video]

11. Upgrade From Video Only to COMBO -$55.00

12. Upgrade from All Photos of 1 entry [either front stage of backstage] to Combo - $30.00