Thank you for your interest in purchasing our media from the 

ICON FINALS in Los Angeles Competition  

Please complete the information requested in the "boxes" provided in the corresponding link.  

All media orders will be delivered by email link approximately 7-10 days after the event is complete.  

Again, thank you for your purchase.

Just click on your desired link below:

I. COMBOS  [Prices are per variation/routine]

1. Front Stage Photos and Video of Routine Combo $110.00

2. FULL Combo All Front and Backstage Photos and Video - $190.00


II. PHOTO ONLY  [Prices are per variation/routine]

3. All FRONT STAGE Photos only - $85.00

4. ALL BACKSTAGE Photos only   - $85.00

5. ALL FRONT and BACKSTAGE Photos only -$160.00


III. VIDEO ONLY  [Prices are per variation/routine]

6. Video only -$45.00


IV. UPGRADES  [Prices are per variation/routine]

7. Upgrade From Video to FULL COMBO -$145.00

8. Upgrade From Video to COMBO -$65.00

9. Upgrade from Combo to FULL COMBO -$80.00

10.  Upgrade from all photos of front stage to Combo [front stage + video] - $25.00

11.  Upgrade from all photos of front stage to Full Combo [front stage, backstage + video] - $105.00

12.  Upgrade from All photos [front and backstage] to Full Combo [front and backstage photos + video] - $30.00



     We will be setting up a "studio" inside the venue in order to take your beautiful dancer's photos during the event.  You will also have the opportunity to take the photos in and around the venue, including outside.  We offer three (3) different photoshoot options: 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 30 minute audition sessions. 

The sitting fee price are as follows:

a.  15 minute-No audition poses (no outfit change) = $150.00

b.  30 minute-No audition poses (1 outfit change)   = $200.00

c.  30 minute-Audition poses (No outfit changes)    = $200.00

The photoshoots will be limited to 1 person per session.  No groups.  If you would like to schedule a photoshoot session with us, please click on the "Book a Session" link in order to schedule your appointment or visit our booth at the venue. 

   The sitting fee does not include the photos.  You can buy the photos for an additional fee by selecting a package detailed below or by visiting our website.  We look forward to seeing you during the week.  Thanks.



13.  All Photos of 15 minute photo shoot                                 = $150.00

14.  All Photos of 30 minute photo shoot [NO audition poses] = $200.00

15.  All photos of 30 minute photo shoot [AUDITION POSES]   = $225.00